CreEPS v2.00

is a C++ class (by Thomas Pohl and me) that allows generating vector graphics out of C++ code and saving it in an Encapsulated Postscript [TM] (EPS) file.
  • Basic drawing elements: lines, curves, arcs, circles, rotated ellipses, rotated text
  • Advanced text output: 14 different alignment types, optional printf-style text output
  • All attributes adjustable: color, line thickness, line join, line cap, line dash, text font
  • Different customizable fill types: dotted, striped, checkerboard
  • Choice between normal PS text output and separate LaTeX text output (as seen in xfig)
  • Different transformations: shifting, rotating, scaling and generic transformations like shearing
  • Special techniques to keep the resulting EPS file as small as possible
  • Embedding of external EPS files
Why / When should I use CreEPS?
The strength of CreEPS is that you can generate an EPS from a C++ program in an automized way. So CreEPS offers an easy way to visualize results of a C++ program and to adapt the graphic quickly to parameter changes.

If you rather want to visualize data, that are already exported to a file, or you would write a C++ program from scratch to create an EPS graphic, you might prefer a similar tool called PyX, that provides generation of EPS out of Python code.
How can I use CreEPS?
CreEPS can simply be used by including the C++ header file and compiling the source code together with your application. CreEPS should compile and work on any platform with an ANSI compliant C++ compiler. We have also written a very detailed documentation you can download in PS or PDF format. In the source tarball (see below) you can find the sourcecode of all examples appearing in the documentation.
Where can I get CreEPS?
Just download the current version of CreEPS together with the documentation in PostScript format (about 180 K). CreEPS is free under the terms of the MIT license.
A cutplane through the hierarchy of a multigrid solver on a voxel based geometry living on a regular grid. example 1   -   last modified   2013-02-22